My Personal Original set ups
A couple of weeks ago I shared my new (to me) nude Original but got so distracted moaning about Speedyhen I didn’t share my set up of it.
I didn’t want to the post to rattle on for ages so decided upon a separate post showing the set ups of both my new nude and my old fuchsia as that is now my on the go planner.
Nude – at home planner
I used the cute dividers and dashboard that came with the planner from the seller on Facebook as they were just too lovely to not use!
These are laminated too which is a treat for me as I don’t laminate my own. I would laminate them but I don’t want to have to cut them out as I’m not the neatest of cutters (hence me using a Silhouette for everything).
The year plan is just the month on one page from my old fuchsia which I must admit I don’t refer to all that often but it feels strange to have a planner without a calendar or diary in. Is that just me? Next the info tab is a collection of anything important that I need to remember or have to hand. It tends to be user names or associated email addresses for accounts and the such primarily. Next is addresses and hopefully fairly explanatory as a section. Next is meal planning and recipes which I use when planning the food shop. I’ve got some note pages and then my spares which is any unused inserts and dividers. Before I just used to have them in boxes or drawers and could never actually find them when I needed them.
It’s obviously not a planner I use very often, hence why I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on it but it’s a planner I needed as there were things I didn’t want to be carrying around with me everywhere and I wanted to free up the fuchsia to have in my bag.
Fuchsia – on the go
I love my fuchsia original but was sad I wasn’t using it all that much as it just had what is now in my nude. I thought it was too small to be my ‘proper’ planner as I used it as that when I first got it for home and work and it just didn’t have enough room in. But I had a definite gap when I was out and about or away from home for a few days. That’s what prompted the decision to buy the nude to replace it. Now I have my pretty pink planner everywhere I go…
I must admit I am in the group of people that wishes the Original had better pockets! I have managed to stash a few sheets of stickers behind those stick notes (mainly the pretty ones I received in the stock swap the other week) so I’ve at least got something pretty to use in the planner with me. I’ve really struggled with the pen loop on this. I have to have my Coleto with me as I want multiple colours and don’t carry a pencil case but if I put it where it is in the picture it bends the leather to the right of it which then means my pages don’t lie flat. If I put this pen in the other loop the planner is then tricky to close and the pen bends my divider tabs. Does anyone else have this issue and how did you get round it?
These dividers are made from Project Life papers and I love the designs on them. They go so well with the fuchsia. The first tab is my week on two pages that came with the planner and is used for anything that I need to know when I’m out (like reminders to go to certain shops) and for any info that crosses over between work and home (overnight work trips for example). Before that though I have these little goodies.
Next I have my lists tab which is basically just shopping lists…
These inserts are Paperchase and aren’t the prettiest, but do the job. Next I have my shopping and finance tabs.
These cross over quite a bit but the shopping tab basically contains anything I’ll use out – store cards which don’t fit in my purse and the finance tab contains anything I’ll use in the house or need to store such as receipts or my Clubcard vouchers. The wallet I made again with Project Life paper and was just an idea I had but I like how it turned out.
I’m still trying to get the hang of using this regularly but will be moving into it for a few weeks as I’m currently not enjoying my Ban.do for some reason and I have a completely separate planner for work now (an A5 Original). I’ve certainly loved prettying this up and decorating my weekly pages so here’s hoping this works for me as a proper day to day planner.
Em x