Dry Hair Shampoo – My Top Picks
Yay for oily hair!
I’ve spent years battling my hair. Years of over straightening, colouring and daily washing wreaked havoc with my poor hair. One of the first things I started doing to recover mit was shake off the daily washing. Getting rid of my fringe definitely helped with that.
Despite washing every other day for a couple of years now I still need to use dry hair shampoo. I’ve gone through many dry shampoos over the years trying to get one that actually works.
I remember my first experience with dry hair shampoo. Batiste. Man that stuff was terrible on my hair. It left my hair looking grey and not much less greasy than it was. I know lots of people swear by it but I’ve never liked it. It seemed for years that Batiste was the only dry hair shampoo around. Eventually I started discovering new brands that had dry hair shampoos, mainly in the ‘premium hair care’ section of Boots.
This started a long journey of trying to find the best dry hair shampoos. From many different brands I’ve tried over the past few years I now have my top picks in three categories: cheap and everywhere, harder to find and high end.
Cheap and everywhere
I’m on my second can on this Herbal Essences and this will be a firm staple going forward. It smells nice, gets rid of a lot of the oil in my hair and doesn’t leave my hair knotty. I’ve found with cheaper dry hair shampoos in the past that my hair feels like a bird’s nest afterwards but not this. There is sometimes a small amount of residue left in my hair, but only if I’ve sprayed too close.
Harder to find
I’ve called this harder to find just because you can’t pick it up in a supermarket or Boots like the Herbal Essences. But you can find it in Superdrug, which is where I pick up mine. I found this after Lily Pebbles mentioned in a video how much she loved it. I was so glad to have watched that video! This stuff is fantastic! It’s basically an improvement on the Herbal Essences, but with no residue and fresher looking hair. There’s a great range of different types too for effects and scents, unlike the Herbal Essences which is quite a slim range. The only reason I still have both is because I’m rarely near a Superdrug so I use the Herbal Essences for work and this for out of work.
High end
If you’re a fairly regular reader of the blog you will have seen me talk about this before. This Philip Kingsley used to be my go to dry hair shampoo but I used to go through it so quickly it wasn’t sustainable as my regular dry hair shampoo. This is my absolute all time favourite dry hair shampoo but when you compare it to the Colab, it’s just not worth the extra money. It’s still in my list though because I take mini versions away with me on holiday. When I find a mini Colab in a shop that may change though!
What’s your go to dry hair shampoo? Let me know in the comments!
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