The Coffee Monsterz Co Review
It was recently the Planner Boss Collective sale and my shop was involved!
I was blown away by how popular the shop was! That did mean that I only had chance to buy from one shop during the sale – a shop I’ve been meaning to for ages!
The Coffee Monsterz Co
The Coffee Monsterz Co is filled with beautiful hand drawn stickers by Helen. I’m massively in awe of her as she manages school alongside running a hugely successful shop!
Because of the fear of customs charges I only placed a small order of a few sheets. Because it was the PBC sale though I received the normal sampler, plus an extra special one.
The first two sheets I purchased featured the famous characters that Helen creates – called emotis.
I picked up the emoti favourites sampler so I can try lots of different ones and the motivational emotis as I need more work related stickers for my planner.
The sheets are about the size of a pocket Filofax page and you get a good amount of stickers on the sheet. The sticker paper is like actual paper, as opposed to vinyl and all the stickers were cut perfectly. Each sheet currently costs about £2.50 at current exchange rates so they’re not the cheapest but I’d be happy to pay that for more.
I just had to have the travel doodles sheet for my upcoming holiday! These stickers are beautiful and I can’t wait to use them in my planner soon. The post it note sheet is one I’ve had in my basket for so long! These will be perfect for popping random little notes on my pages. I wish I’d bought two sheets of them actually.
The store also has a reward card and you receive that attached to a nice handwritten note from Helen herself, which I always love to see.
So glad I finally decided to order!
Overall I’ve really loved this first order from Helen. I received the order a few weeks after purchase. This was pretty quick and actually much quicker than the scheduled ship date.
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