Why I’m embracing my dark circles
If you’ve been around here a while, you’ll know dark circles are one of my biggest skin concerns.
I’ve spent years trying to either cover them up, or get rid of them altogether. I found out pretty quickly that getting rid of them wasn’t going to happen, so I focused on the cover up option.
However, there’s always been an issue with this that in recent months has gotten worse.
When under eye concealer folds, it makes you look about 100.
I’ve tried a few different things to stop this from happening, but at best I’ve minimised it a little. Anything powder based (like baking) just made everything worse. The powder just settled into the cracks immediately.
The lines were obviously there because the skin around my eyes is dry and aging. So then I started on a journey of eye creams.
Sadly, I haven’t found anything that’s made a real difference. The biggest disappointment came from Cerave. After hearing lots of about how amazing Cerave was I was disappointed to find that this just sat on my skin, mixed with my foundation and created super obvious dry bits around my eye contour.
In fact I found that issue with a lot of creams and so in future purchases I’m moving more towards serums that will actually sink into the skin better.
After a bit of thinking recently, I realised that I was spending a lot of time and energy on something that most people probably didn’t even notice. I can’t remember a time I’ve actually looked at a picture of myself and noticed the dark circles. So they can’t really be that prominent to anyone, if they’re not showing up in pictures. I still need to sort out my eye cream/serum issue, but I don’t need to be focusing on putting lots of make up around my eye area each day to cover up these purple bits that are totally normal.
For about a month now all I’ve been using is my usual foundation which I apply all over my face. I then go over the eye area with a small Beauty Blender to smooth anything out. But that’s it for concealing. My foundation is a medium coverage so it does take down the circles a notch but they’re still there. Importantly though, I don’t care. Before, every time I went to the bathroom I had to check and smooth out the lines under my eyes. Now, I have a quick glance, see my only-noticeable-to-me circles and make up which lasts the day and carry on.
It’s been quite refreshing not having to worry about my under eyes look all day. I was wasting way too much valuable time on a morning trying to cover them up, and then smoothing out the lines all day. After a couple of days of worry I was completely at ease. No one has commented on any change to my appearance. I was convinced someone might say I looked tired but no, nothing. Maybe these circles have only been noticeable to me all along?
It has taken me way too long to realise that something that was important to me, is irrelevant to everyone else. That doesn’t mean I’m about to start walking around with no make up on but I am a little more focused on what’s important. Dark circles that look fine once I’ve put my foundation on? Great, leave them. That lovely cystic acne breakout I’ve just had? Get them covered up, ASAP!
I hope you’ve enjoyed this little ramble. It’s a little different from my usual beauty posts but it’s something that I’d like to do more instead of just reviewing products. Let me know what you thought of it in the comments below! Also, I’d love to know if there is anything you spend way too much energy on, beauty-wise?