My 2021 Planner Set Up
After sharing a few posts about individual planners, I thought I’d do a full line up post
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There will also be a YouTube video to go alongside this if you want to see a bit more of the planners, you can find it here.
So it’s fair to say I’ve got quite a few planners this year
This is the most I’ve attempted to use in a year. Thanks to discovering Nolty planners at the end of last year, some were a very late addition. I’m hoping that there’s going to be very little duplication and with a little ‘planning routine’ I’ve set up, I should have no issue keeping up with them. While this may look excessive to some, I have some lofty goals this year and need to stay organised to meet them.
The biggest reason why I have so many planners this year is I realised I like to keep things separate. Usually when I’m planning my week in my Cousin, I’ll need to reference different things to fill it out – shop plans, blog plans, planned Instagram posts, any financial commitments that week etc. I found if I kept all of that planning in the other pages of the Cousin (daily, monthly etc) then I had to do lots of flipping back and forth in the planner when planning out my week. I hated this and much prefer to have a few different planners laid out around me, so I can easily refer to them when setting up my week.
Filofax Malden Personal
This hasn’t changed since I first shared this set up last year. This is basically all the stuff that won’t change much from year to year and so isn’t the kind of thing I’d want to keep migrating into a new planner each year.
There’s perpetual calendars for things like birthdays and when things like insurance are due. Stats tracking for the blog and shop going back four years has a home in here. There’s long term financial planning and a section for long term goal planning. Basically, anything where the page will be needed for longer than a year lives in here.
It’s very minimally set up with just a bit of vellum and some frosted dividers from Etsy.* This is a purely functional planner for me, but one that is referred to most days.
A6 Day Free
I wrote a full post about this and my weekly supplement a few weeks ago. The day free is my third attempt at using an A6 Hobonichi.
This is for shop and a little bit of blog planning. I purchased this due to the large amount of ‘plain’ pages at the back. This allows me to use this planning to do long term planning for the shop. New products I’m researching, sticker ideas and supplier research. I wanted this over just a normal notebook as I wanted the monthly pages. I use this to plan out my tasks for the month, when I’m going to writing, posting new releases, and any other tasks that need to get done.
It’s definitely a scruffy planner, and I’m finding the Coleto is probably not the best pen for this. As I’m usually writing quickly I frequently smudge my writing on these pages. I have two Hobonichi pens I’m not using, so I’ll likely switch to using one of those instead which is a shame, as I liked having the pencil as an option for quick sketches.
A6 Weekly Supplement
Thanks to the UK being in yet another lockdown, this hasn’t really been used much, beyond set up. This is purely a planner to live in my Ane Drawer Pouch, that I take out with me. It holds appointments, birthdays and shopping lists where needed.
Stalogy B6
This is a planner I don’t think I’ve ever shared on the blog. I purchased the B6 a while ago as I kept seeing people rave about the planner and had to find out why.
This is used as a simple content planner for here, YT and social media. I have separate pages dedicated to post/video ideas and a simple monthly spread where I plan out my posts for that month.
This notebook is going to last me a long time. I’ve been using it for this for 18 months, and I’m only about a third of the way through it.
Hobonichi Weeks
This is another planner that got a full set up post.
I like the Weeks, but it’s just too small for me to use for full planning. I also couldn’t every fully commit to the horizontal format. This is perfect, however, for health and fitness. The yearly overview pages have been used for at a glance tracking of exercise, and it’s so satisfying to see it getting filled up.
I’m still playing around with how I use the weekly pages this year. I don’t really feel like I’m using them fully.
I think leaving the whole left hand side of the page for exercise makes it looks like I haven’t done a lot (even when I have!)
Nolty Listy
I’ve merged these two together, but they’re actually used for two different things.
The vertical one gets used as a bit of a Cousin alternative.
I really enjoy the layout of the weekly pages, and find the spreads end up looking really nice.
I really like using the Alistair Method in my Cousin, but this planner gives me an alternative layout style, if I feel like changing things up.
Recently, I also discovered that Weeks kits work really well in this.
The horizontal listy is what I’m using as a pre-planner.
I wanted to get this to compare it to the Hobonichi Weeks, but I can’t imagine using this as a full time planner. I think I’m just not a horizontal planner. But, it is perfect as something to live on my desk for me to jot things in. Ideas that come to me, or things I need to remember to do next week (or later) go in here. I’ve actually really enjoyed having this so far, and it’s come in handy so many times.
I’ve also used one of the monthly pages to plot out all my recurring tasks for the week and month. I use this when planning out my week in my Cousin and it’s so handy.
Nolty A5
I can’t really show this in use as it’s my work planner. However, if you want to know how I plan my work week, you can see my bullet journal set up here.
Due to the fantastic set up of these weekly pages, I can basically use it like a bullet journal. But, I like having a bit of structure along the top for anything that is day specific.
I’ve been dividing each page up into two, so I have four columns each week, that are split up as follows:
– Things I need to raise with people
– Tasks
– Notes
– My ‘waiting on’ list. Everything I ask someone for something, I make a note of it here, so I don’t forget to chase it up.
This has been working out really well so far, and has been keeping me organised.
Hobonichi Cousin
Last but not least, my main planner. You can see the full set up post here.
This is my fourth year in the Cousin and my set up is pretty much static now. I love this planner, and it’s definitely planner peace for me.
All my main planning goes in here. The daily pages are used for a bit of a mix of stuff. Actual daily planning, journalling and then collections such as shop planning (that is better placed in the Cousin, than my A6 Day Free), lists and an inbox that I keep long term tasks in.
And there you have it, my planner line up for 2021!
Since I discovered Hobonichi I tend not to change up my planners much during the year, so I’m hoping these will remain the same throughout the year.
Are you using any of the same planners? Any of these you want to try?